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Located just North of downtown, 圣安东尼奥学院有一种大学的感觉,学生约20人,000 students each semester. 查看下面的图片库或选择一个链接开始探索!

News at SAC

Check out the latest news at SAC! This feed includes important college announcements, student success stories, and interesting happenings from around the college. 

  • Victoria Moe HACU Fellowship

    Victoria Moe被选为HACU领导学院/La Academia de Liderazgo 2024-25研究员

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    SAC Receives Prestigious FamilyU Seal

    FamilyU印章是一项国家认证,颁发给具有示范作用的高等教育机构和非营利组织, measurable efforts in supporting parenting students,
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    SAC Adds Resources To Help Student Parents Succeed

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  • Norman named College Services Director

    Dennis Norman Named Director of College Services

    His duties will include position planning and control, faculty load and compensation, inventory control, asset management, and facilities management.
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  • Carnegie Foundation seal SAC logo


    SAC是获得第一个卡内基公共目的领导分类的25所学院和大学之一, 该奖项旨在表彰致力于为公众利益提升领导力的机构.
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  • Brenda Valdez  SAC logo

    SAC毕业生Brenda Valdes获得斯坦福大学博士项目全额奖学金

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    来自exploreCSR基金的资金将为学生提供研究津贴, hands-on training opportunities, and more.
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  • Foxworthy Honors Academy

    SAC毕业生Lee Foxworthy平衡工作,养育子女和学业目标

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  • SAC student accepted to Princeton

    SAC学生Elliot Watt被普林斯顿大学录取

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  • Chet Hunt SAC logo


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  • Law Enforcement Academy full-time classes

    Law Enforcement Academy to Start Full-time Classes

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  • SAC Sundial masthead

    SAC Announces New Name for Student Newspaper

    The Sundial will be the voice of students on campus
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  • SACMEN 10th anniversary

    SACMEN Celebrates Ten Years

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Spotlight Events

Upcoming Events

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    Silent Witness Exhibit

    Tuesday, October 1
    This exhibit consists of four red, 真人大小的剪影,每一个都代表一个因约会或家庭暴力而失去生命的前学生.
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    Books That Speak Out

    Tuesday, October 1
    With the SAC Library, 赋权中心将提供物理和虚拟资源展示,将观众引导到与经历和幸存的约会和家庭暴力和虐待有关的资源.
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    Improving Interpersonal Conversation

    Monday, October 21, 12:15 PM
    这个讲习班旨在使你掌握实用技术, insightful knowledge, 以及可操作的策略,以在个人和专业环境中茁壮成长.
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    Spirit Days: Groovy 60s - Peace, Love, & Pride

    Tuesday, October 22
    Celebrate the era of liberation! Show off your inner flower child with tie-dye, fringe, and bright colors, 代表着推动LGBTQIA+权利运动开始的和平与爱.
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    Understanding and Building Credit

    Wednesday, October 23, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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    Blood Drive

    Thursday, October 24, 8:30 AM
    圣安东尼奥学院-德克萨斯州护理学生协会(SAC-TNSA)将于上午8:30举办献血活动.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, in NAHC, Room 130.
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    Mother Courage and Her Children

    Friday, October 25, 7:00 PM
    Set in the 17th century, 该剧讲述了勇气母亲拉着马车穿越欧洲宗教战争的故事.
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    Mother Courage and Her Children

    Saturday, October 26, 7:00 PM
    Set in the 17th century, 该剧讲述了勇气母亲拉着马车穿越欧洲宗教战争的故事.
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    Mother Courage and Her Children

    Sunday, October 27, 2:00 PM
    Set in the 17th century, 该剧讲述了勇气母亲拉着马车穿越欧洲宗教战争的故事.
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    Spirit Days: Rocking 80s - 90s - Bold, Proud, & Fierce

    Tuesday, October 29
    从80年代酷儿的兴起到90年代的激进主义,展示你凶猛的一面! 选择霓虹灯、皮夹克、垃圾摇滚或拖曳风格的服装.